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Author: Hans Comyn

How to Compliment a Woman

Have you ever seen a good-looking woman react to praise by withdrawing?

You work up the nerve to tell her “You are beautiful,” and she reacts to your praise by distancing herself…
Does it feel rude to you? Do you feel rejected?
Why would she do that?

Well… why wouldn’t she?

Think about it… why would she make an effort when you already praised her? Why would she contribute to the seduction, when she is already ‘beautiful’? Because you are a nice guy? Because you deserve something in return for your compliment?

People do not care about you, they only care about how you make them feel.

The tragedy of many good-looking women is that they never get the opportunity to seduce. Many good-looking women do not know how to be beautiful, because they never had to. They never had a chance to become beautiful, to seduce, because men trained them that way… with their empty praise.

I am not making excuses for the women, some of the greatest women I met in my life were both good-looking and beautiful and seductive – I am only trying for men and women to understand each other better.

I call it empty praise because that “You are beautiful” has often more to do with him than it has to do with her.
In many cases, his praise serves as a hidden attempt to get something in return from her, or at least lift his own self-esteem by showing off what a ‘lover of women’ he is.
When this happens, his praise does very little for her sense of self… and even less for the seduction at play.

Empty praise is non-seductive because it is ultimately a form of indifference.
When he shows off what a ‘lover of women’ he is, he shifts his attention away from this moment with her, he stops seeing and considering this girl and her world, what she feels, what she aches for, what is needed for her to be seduced.
When he praises her that way, he loses his number one seductive quality… his presence.

How can you change this?

Stop praising a woman just because she is good-looking.
Instead, if you decide to praise her, praise her when and for doing something really difficult, like moving through the world with beauty and grace, like being joyful, like being non-judgemental, like not being jaded but open and curious…

Praising her for doing something difficult shows that you see her, that you are considering her and her world. Praising her for doing something difficult shows that you are present with her, and presence is your number one seductive quality.

Presence is your number one seductive quality because, more than praise, we all crave the feeling of being heard, of being seen, of being felt. We all crave the feeling that someone is trying to think about us, that someone is considering us, and we crave that feeling more than we crave praise.

She does not need your empty praise, she needs your presence.

Hans Comyn

Did you have sex while you were away?

I knew she was going to ask.
I am prepared, and yet, there is always a tension…

We are waking up together… I am not sure how this will go – our relationship is young –
but I am confident because I have been here before.
I am confident because I am true to myself,
I am confident because I care for her.

“Did you have sex while you were away?”
– Are you curious, or can you not help yourself from asking?
“I am curious.”
– … (gauging the truth of that) … I don’t think you want to make it your business. Please be careful what you ask for. I will tell you this though: I did not and will not promise you sexual exclusivity. That is a promise I will not make. Whether or not I had sex is not your business, unless you really want to make it yours. And I don’t think you do.

I look her in the eye and smile kindly.
She turns away.
She turns back.
She slaps me.
She gets up in protest.
I pull her back, pull her panties down, and ravish her.
She loves it.

Here is the deal.

It would have been easy for me to say “No, I did not have sex.” It would have been convenient, because I did not.
It would have been easy to answer her question truthfully, and avoid the real matter.
It would have been convenient to not address the real issue underlying her question.

But this is not about me having had sex with another woman or not.
There is a bigger issue at stake here, and I take the responsibility to address that issue before I am ever put in the position of answering her about it.

The real issue of this conversation is sexual exclusivity, the expectation thereof, the promise, the assumption… and so I address the matter before she does. I lead that conversation. And I am sincere in it. This is my way to carve our relationship.

Can you see how ‘honesty’ becomes a relational issue?
Can you see the importance of leading that conversation in order avoid that my or her assumptions, expectations or willful ignorance destroys the relationship that we are forming?


p.s. Here is a video I made on this very same issue.

4-Step Guide to a Heartbreak

When is the last time you were heartbroken?

My last heartbreak was in 2012. My girlfriend had something with my best friend, and it affected me greatly. I will tell you more details when we meet.

Most of us have been heartbroken. And more than a necessary evil, I believe heartbreak is essential in the growth of a man, of a seducer. I know the heartbreak grounded me in a way I am very grateful for.

Here is my 4-step guide to get over AND make the most of a heartbreak:

1. Take your time.

Decide that this time is glorious with great opportunities. Don’t try to beat your time. Accept that this will take time, and decide to spend that time well.
I see in hindsight, there is no way to shortcut the time that is needed to get over a hearbreak. You have to get through it, all by yourself. It took me a couple of years really (!) and for me, the moment I knew I was completely over the ordeal, was when I met a woman, whom I thought was even greater.

2. Feel as much as you are invited to feel.

Don’t ignore the pain, don’t avoid the pain… go right through it.
Life seems to me in many ways about the amount of tension we can fix in ourselves, so go there as much as you can.
I remember I would seek out my girlfriend and my friend in order to really feel that pain. It was gut wrenching, and it made me feel alive. I am happy I did it.

3. Share.

Talk with your friends. Write to them. Blurt whatever you are feeling. Share with anyone who wants to listen.
I remember I went to Japan after a couple of weeks, and there, I continued to articulate my feelings, share them with anyone who wanted to listen. People I had never met. It always felt like a relief. Like I was slowly but surely lifting a burden of my shoulder.

4. Use your feelings to create.

Make music, write poetry, write letters, make videos…
The strong feelings have strong creative power.
In Japan, I wrote my first album. I remember sitting there and writing music. I had met a woman who did not speak English, and we would sit and I would play music to her and we would drink sake … and it saved me. She saved me. The creation and her being there, listening. It was magical.

(You can listen to that album here).

Heartbreak done well can be a glorious chapter in your life.
I know it was in mine.


Sex – Further Exploration

The Way of a Seducer talks about life, not about a certain lifestyle.

Keeping this in mind, I address an issue a lot of men deal with at some point in their life: we desire to see more than one woman, and struggle with (not) telling it to the other woman, or women, in our life and how we can have her accept our desires.
(Even the mere fact of celebrating other women opens up this issue with the woman we are with. If you do not desire to see other women, you can read what is underneath with those eyes. How to celebrate women without offending your girl?)

Without making any moral stance on the matter, the issue has larger repercussions on the issue of accepting our sexuality, and thus, is of interest to any man who wants to grow in excellence and in his relationship with women.

This conversation I had with a friend, is a common one:

“Hans, how do you tell your women that you are seeing, or want to see others?”

I do not need to tell them anymore. They know.

“How do they know?”

They know because I am the guy who sees other women. I have accepted that of myself, and so I am not trying to hide it out of shame or fear that I might lose her.

“So you are actively showing it to them?”

I rarely have to consider how to communicate it to her by words or actions. When you are that guy, when you have accepted it for yourself, communication to her is secondary and automatic. This does not mean I do not want to be in a relationship… but it does mean that if I want to see other women, that I have absolutely no shame about it. I accept myself the way I am, and I am not afraid to want what I want. Because I accept it, she knows.
I used to have to tell her about my desire to make sure she understood, and in hindsight I see this is because I had not completely accepted it myself… I felt shame for it and wished that I was not that way.
When you accept it, she will know and she will accept it too. She may want something different, but she will never dislike you for it, and you will be surprised how most women will rather be with a man who is honest about wanting to see other women, than a guy who hides his desire for women both to her and to himself.

“Is it a take-it-or-leave-it deal?”

It is never a take-it-or-leave-it deal. As you know my greatest joy is to be in a relationship, and I am not the guy who wants to jump on anything that moves. But I am much bigger on loyalty then I am on fidelity, and if she is a beautiful woman, the kind of woman I am attracted to, chances are big that she will be too… or at least wants to give it a shot. It’s a tricky thing to say, but most women will allow you all kinds of liberties with other women, as long as you make her feel like a queen.
In my last relationship for example, we never spoke explicitly about these issues. “You do whatever you feel” is all she said, and we never spoke about it again. Yet there was no misunderstanding.

There was no misunderstanding?”

None. I am convinced that if there is a misunderstanding, it is because you have not fully accepted who you are and what you want. You are not clear about it and you have not accepted it. If this is the case, then I think it is your job to tell her about your desire. If nothing else, this is the way to get clarity on what you want, and to fully accept who you are. Once you do, she will too, and this goes without saying.

on Purity of Mind

Purity of mind is all-powerful.
Purity of mind grants you enthusiasm and builds the strength to carry you through hard times.
Cultivate your will to power by purifying your mind.
Most men lack in enthusiasm and strength because they are constantly distracted.
They are scattered and lack in focus. Their mind is not pure.
The first step to becoming good at anything is to become focused.
The first step to becoming focused is to minimize complications.
Declutter your life.
Stop doing what you do not love.
Renounce the things that do not matter.
Get rid of it all… the stuff, the toxic relations, the activities that have no relevance, the inhibiting thoughts.
This requires your daily attention and grooming.
As your affairs thin out, you will grow in pureness. Your spirit will become unyielding.
As you grow in purity of mind, you will attend to the matters that matter.
You will know exactly what to do next.

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